He watched her shadow. He counted seven ants running paths across it and observed them frantically disappear into the cracks in the concrete. She sat on her hands as her legs swung, the tops of her toes swiping at the ground. He knew she was leaving but she hadn’t told him. He was grieving for something unsaid. She was excited and frightened by the sudden change in the weather. The clouds had rolled in and the darkened skies dulled the outline of her shadow. The smell of impending rain hung thickly in the air and the winds picked up around them. They both felt their words would break when the skies opened. The storm’s electricity hummed in the air as the first drops of rain struck their faces. She rose to her feet and spoke. She told him that the key to happiness is to accept that life is bittersweet. Her shadow was speckled with the storm’s rains.
"Silence is better than unmeaning words." Pythagoras